Managing Job Hunting Stress: The Power of Volunteering

July 2, 2024
1 min read

Job Hunting Stress

You know the drill when you’re out of work, right? Staring at your computer, refreshing job boards every five minutes, spamming your friends for leads, and trying to find any connection to a company you’re interested in. I’ve been there, and it’s a total nightmare. It drove me crazy a few years ago. I was changing my resume every other day, trying different cover letters, and even started a podcast (way before they were cool) just to do something. The worst part is when you don’t find jobs that fit your skills, and you never hear back. It’s really tough on your mental health.

The Financial and Emotional Toll

“Then there’s the money thing. Spending a bunch of cash on a resume coach and getting nowhere is like pouring salt on a wound. And those ‘secret job hunting hacks’? Yeah, right. It’s just more stress and confusion. Your bank account is taking a hit, and you’re feeling hopeless. It’s a vicious cycle.”

The Power of Volunteering

Volunteering can be a real lifesaver. It gets you out of the house, which is a huge deal. I mean, sunshine is basically magic for your mood, right? Plus, it’s a break from the constant job hunting. I love volunteering at food banks – it’s rewarding and helps people. Trust me, I’ve been on the other side of that. Being homeless in a foreign country taught me the importance of helping others.

Volunteering is also a great way to meet people. You never know who you’ll run into. There are always groups of people volunteering together, and you can make some valuable connections. And let’s face it, feeling good about helping others is really good for your soul.”

The Benefits of Volunteering

“Okay, so you’re volunteering, meeting new people, feeling good about helping out. But how does this actually help you find a job? Well, it’s all about building your network and taking a break from the job hunt craziness.

You see, when you volunteer regularly, you start to get to know people. You build relationships. And in today’s world, it’s all about who you know. You might meet someone who works at a company you’d love to work for. Or maybe they know someone who does. It’s amazing how connections can open doors.

And let’s not forget about the skills you pick up while volunteering. Maybe you’re organizing an event, managing a team, or working with different types of people. These are all valuable skills that employers look for. So, not only are you helping others, but you’re also building your resume.

It’s like killing two birds with one stone. You’re doing something good for your community, and you’re also boosting your job search. It’s a win-win!